Our Mission
The mission of the North Star Regional Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) is to transform schools across Northern California into thriving community schools that advance outcomes for students, educators, and communities.
- Offer supports that are responsive to local needs, intentionally cohesive with existing/related initiatives, timely, and deeply rooted in equity.
- Develop a team of community school experts in Northern California to provide technical assistance and advocate for rural needs across the state.
- Empower and equip schools, community members, students, and local organizations to work collectively towards shared goals.
Who We Are...
North Star RTAC consists of a core team of partners from local County Offices of Education, Partners for Rural Impact, and North State Together. This team works together to provide technical assistance to schools in our region that have received CCSPP funds or are interested in becoming a community school.
Shasta County Office of Education (SCOE)
SCOE acts as the lead agency for RTAC work across the Northern California Region and facilitates collaboration with and across our core team of partners. With experience building our Community Connect program and early adopters of community schools under CCSPP, we are ready to support new CCSPP grantees across the region.
Local County Offices of Education (COEs)
The 13 COEs in our region each host one County Community School Lead (CCSL) that serves as the primary touchpoint for schools in their county. These CCSLs are experts in their local context and will partner across the region to streamline support and resources for their schools.
Partners for Rural Impact (PRI)
PRI’s vision is that “All rural children and youth are on the path to economic mobility through post secondary success because we know that is the surest path to a happy, healthy, and choice-filled life.” As a collective impact nonprofit based in rural Appalachia, PRI organizes the work by centering results and creating the leadership structures needed to facilitate and sustain success in rural communities. As part of the North Star RTAC, PRI will provide content expertise and training throughout the region as well as develop a digital platform in order to cultivate a community of professionals engaged in the support of the Community School model.
North State Together (NST)
NST is a regional collective impact, cradle-to-career partnership with over 250 cross-sector organizations working together to increase cradle to career outcomes through local solutions within a regional support framework in rural Northern California. North State Together works closely in 9 of our 13 counties and has strong relationships with local schools and community partners. NST is working with other collective impact organizations that are not in the NST footprint (Lake, Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte) to ensure alignment and partnership.
Our Region
The North Star RTAC serves all schools across the 13 northernmost counties of California, a vast region spanning over 41,393 square miles. Home to almost a million residents, with a density of 22.5 residents per square mile, this predominantly rural area fosters strong communities and supports over 180 community schools (as of June 2024).
- Butte
- Del Norte
- Glenn
- Humboldt
- Lake
- Lassen
- Mendocino
- Modoc
- Plumas
- Shasta
- Siskiyou
- Tehama
- Trinity
North State Community School Regional Map
We invite you to learn more about community school in our region.
Contact Us
Questions? Your County Community School Lead is your best point of contact: